
Scrambled Eggs And Green Broad beans

Scrambled Eggs and Green Broad beans is a one-pan dish, perfect for the lazy weekend or if you are wanting a quick one-pan meal.
15 minutes
25 minutes

About this recipe

Scrambled Eggs and Green Broad beans are a one-pan dish, perfect for the lazy weekend or if you are wanting a quick one-pan meal. It’s a very easy recipe and yet so nutritional.  The combination of these two delicious ingredients is very satisfying.  I really feel that broad beans are underrated. They are so versatile and this recipe of scrambled eggs and green broad beans makes them the star of the show. Traditionally we eat this with flatbread but Serve it on a piece of charred sourdough bread or with another bread of your choice

Pan-fried potatoes with sweet onion is another recipe within this recipe.  This is what I love about Middle Eastern Food. It’s simple, rustic, and easily recreated.


Watch it here


  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 onion diced
  • 400 grams broad beans
  • 3 eggs (lightly beaten)
  • salt to season
  • Bharat/7 spice blend
  • chopped spring onion optional
  • coriander chopped to garnish
  • fresh chili to garnish

Notes from Rouba

  • You can find Bharat in  Middle Eastern grocery stores and various supermarkets.  Otherwise substitute with 5 spice or allspice.
  • You can wait for broad beans to be in season but it’s just as good frozen.
  • Don’t peel those broad beans, the skin is delicious and there’s goodness in it too.
  • Broad beans, also known as fava beans, are an excellent source of protein and fibre. They have loads of health benefits.
  • The outer skin can only be eaten in very young beans. Otherwise, it’s the seeds within the pods that you want to eat. If the outer skin is rough, remove the strings that run either side of the pod
  • If the stalks have strings, remove them prior to cutting them.


Step 1.

De-string the broad beans and roughly cut them into bite-size pieces. Place them in a bowl of water and set them aside.

Alternatively take the bag of broad beans out of the freezer and place in a bowl of water.

Sauté the onion in olive oil until golden on medium heat. Add the wet broad beans to the onion and stir to combine. Season with salt, Cover the frying pan and cook on low heat for approximately 15-20 minutes until broadbeans are cooked stirring occasionally.

Step 2.

Add the egg and the Bharat spice. Stir through gently until the egg is cooked, ensuring to break it up as much as possible.

Step 3.

Add spring onion. Garnish with coriander and fresh chilli.

Sahtan - Enjoy in Good Health

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Creating magic and happy memories with food are my gift for you!
xx Rouba

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